Important - Due to a Global IT outage our computer systems are currently not fully functional. This is affecting our normal service and may result in delays in prescriptions being issued and cancellation of GP/nurse appointments. We are working with the NHS IT partners to resolve the issue. As always, in case of urgent need please dial 111 or for emergencies dial 999. Thank you for your patience.

Sorry, we're currently closed. Please call NHS 111

Non-NHS Services

Non-NHS services require a fee to be paid by the patient.

Examples include: completion of medical reports, forms, certificates, private letters, private prescriptions and certain vaccinations.

Fees are based on the British Medical Association (BMA) suggested scales.

Non-NHS work can take up to 28 days to complete, subject to the availability of doctors outside of their NHS work.

No Refund Policy

There is a no refund policy for Non-NHS Services. Significant time and effort is taken to process non-NHS requests outside of usual NHS duties. This is accounted for in the fees, and therefore, once the practice starts any work on your request, a refund cannot be issued. By submitting a request for Private Non-NHS services you are confirming the nature of the work you require, and that you accept the non-refund policy.

To make a request either complete the online form below or hand-in a printed & completed request form to reception.

Before you start

Allow up to 15 minutes to complete the form.

Gather together all the details you’ll need to support your request.

If you need support to access the internet, ask at your local library about booking a slot to use a computer.