Important - Due to a Global IT outage our computer systems are currently not fully functional. This is affecting our normal service and may result in delays in prescriptions being issued and cancellation of GP/nurse appointments. We are working with the NHS IT partners to resolve the issue. As always, in case of urgent need please dial 111 or for emergencies dial 999. Thank you for your patience.

Sorry, we're currently closed. Please call NHS 111

When We Are Closed


When to use 111
NHS 111 can help if you have an urgent medical problem and you’re not sure what to do.


NHS 111 is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
If you’re Deaf and want to use the phone service, you can use the NHS 111 British Sign Language (BSL) Service available in England.
You can also call 18001 111 on a textphone.


How NHS 111 works
You answer questions about your symptoms on the website, or by speaking to a fully trained adviser on the phone.
You can ask for a translator if you need one.
Depending on the situation you will
  • Find out what local service can help you
  • Be connected to a nurse, emergency dentist, pharmacist or GP
  • Get a face-to-face appointment if you need one
  • Be given an arrival time if you need to go to A&E – this might mean you spend less time in A&E
  • Be told how to get any medicine you need
  • Get self-care advice


When to call 119
You can call 119 if you have questions or need help with coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccinations, testing, NHS COVID Pass, and more.


If you’re Deaf and want to use the phone service, you can use the NHS 119 British Sign Language (BSL) Service available in England.


Medical Emergencies
Emergencies include amongst other symptoms: chest pain, breathlessness, weakness of limbs/face.


If your medical problem cannot wait until the surgery re-opens, there are several ways to access help.
           Open 08:00 – 18:00, 7 days a week
           Open 08:00 – 21:00, 7 days a week
  • Speak to a pharmacist for advice on medicines or common problems like coughs, colds and rashes
  • See a dentist